My love for creating content began when I was just 8 years old as a young skateboarder. Growing up and being immersed in the action sports industry I was constantly filming and capturing moments with my friends. After 12 years as a skateboarder I was injured out of the action sports world and shifted my passion towards the next thing I was most closely affiliated with.


Later I would go on to graduate with honors from the University of North Texas with a degree in Media Arts. Immediately after graduating i began my full-time freelance career and realized this is what I was always meant to do! In 2017 I formed a partnership with CinemaStory Productions; a full service video production company that I have done most of the cinematography for in the last 2 years. I am now the Creative Director of CinemaStory Productions and have helped more than double the size of the company since my arrival.


As a former skateboarder I have learned what it means to push yourself past what you’re capable of. That hunger-to-grow mentality is a foundational part of who I am and how I approach my craft. I’m constantly pushing the limitations of my art to ensure I’m a better artist today than I was yesterday. I’m looking forward to the future and will continue working to create content that is marketable, entertaining, and inspiring to others.